Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Social Determinants of Health How Where We Live,...

â€Å"A girl born today can expect to live for more than 80 years if she is born in some countries – but less than 45 years if she is born in others† (Commission on Social Determinants of Health [CSDH], 2008, p. iii). This startling statistic is found in the introduction to the report by the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) on the impact of certain inequities on people’s health throughout the world. These inequities, referred to as the social determinants of health (SDOH), are the social and economic conditions in the environment in which people are born, live, work and play. A key finding in this report is that these dramatic differences in health are not just confined to the poorest, most socially disadvantaged countries. The CDSH also found that the health of people in all countries follow a social gradient, meaning that people with the lowest socioeconomic (SES) status were found to have the poorest health regardless of the country they liv e in (CSDH, 2008). The report goes on to list other eye-opening statistics that further demonstrate the inequities found not just between countries, but within the same country – often within the same geographical location. In his article on health equity and policy making, Marmot (2012) points out that within the same borough in London, there is a seventeen-year difference in the life expectancy between the most and least advantaged males (p. 2033). Closer to home, Woolf reported that â€Å"in the United States of America,Show MoreRelatedDrug Abuse And Addiction Among Teenagers1704 Words   |  7 Pageselicited.† This is a pervasive problem that is in fact consuming the lives of many teens, primarily because prescription drugs are easily accessible in their environment. There are several interpersonal determinants correlated with prescription drug abuse amongst teens, including, environmental and social factors. Within these factors, age, gender, race, socioeconomic status and educatio n play key roles. 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